Email Is Often the Entry Point for Cyber Criminals - Let TOTAL NETWORK SOLUTIONS Guard Your Business with Email Encryption AND MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)

The median small business received 94% of its detected malware by email.

1 in 323 emails sent to small businesses are malicious!

Email encryption is the act of securing email using encryption software in order to protect your content and data from prying eyes and invasive hackers.

Email is typically vulnerable to infiltration, as most emails are being transmitted without the use of encryption. However through the use of encryption tools you can ensure that the only people reading your messages or those who are supposed to have access.

Email encryption helps secure the transmission of sensitive information to your recipients. If you need to email any type of personal medical or financial information, legal documents or private company information, encrypting your email messages is the best way to ensure only the intended recipient is able to open the email message.

While there are several ways to implement email encryption, our preferred method is to utilize Microsoft’s Office 365 email platform.

Have questions about email encryption? Get in touch today and we would be happy to answer any questions you have or discuss how your company can secure email message

Password Management Made Simple by TOTAL NETWORK SOLUTIONS.

The Importance of MFA to Protect Your Systems.